The Hiji® band is a wearable technology that is a comfortable, stylish, and versatile headband that holds one Bluetooth sensor that connects to an mobile app to provide real time alerts.

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The HIJI® BAND sensor

measures and provides real-time alerts about possible concussion-strength impacts via the Bluetooth enabled HIJI® Band app.

You'll get clear impact data

to help you make an informed decision about when they need medical attention and when it's safe to let them play on.

Our ultimate goal

is to put the power of knowledge and real-time information in the hands of parents - those most concerned for the safety of the young people out there playing.

The solution to Parents'

Top Concern in Youth Sports

Though this technology has many verticals, we are focusing on
addressing the need for increased safety in youth sports.

After interviewing over 400+ mothers of youth athletes, we
discovered that they would be willing to purchase a comfortable,

stylish, and wearable sensor; which would give them peace of
mind while their children participate in competitive sports.

How Hiji® Band Works

Install Hiji® Band app
on your cellphone

Player wears Hiji® Band
during a game or

Player receives an
impact to head

App receives
Impact notification